hu-play - bet365-penznem-modositas 1.98.0
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PM> Install-Package bet365-penznem-modositas -Version 1.98.0 -Source
> nuget.exe install bet365-penznem-modositas -Version 1.98.0 -Source
> dotnet add package bet365-penznem-modositas --version 1.98.0 --source
nuget bet365-penznem-modositas ~> 1.98.0
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> choco install bet365-penznem-modositas --version 1.98.0 --source
Import-Module PowerShellGet
Register-PSRepository -Name "hu-play" -SourceLocation ""
Install-Module -Name "bet365-penznem-modositas" -RequiredVersion "1.98.0" -Repository "hu-play"
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Package history
Version | Size | Last updated | Downloads | Mirrored? | |||
![]() |
1.98.0 | 114.34 KB | Tue, 05 Apr 2022 21:01:13 GMT | 1 |